As a child, I had always imagined myself publishing a book. I knew I wanted to be a writer and an author. Transitions was the perfect opportunity to be a part of something magnificent, something bigger than me. When approached by the publisher, K. LeFleur, to be a part of the Anthology, I knew it would be a successful project. Writing a book may seem like a simple task. The creative process can be intense. Transitions would prove to be the book to challenge my creativity.

Book-Transitions: A collection of Inspirational stories from women in business

What is Transitions? It is a collection of stories from women in business who have discovered their power through all of life’s challenges. The women in this book are amazing! I knew some of the authors before being invited to join. We have all experienced challenges that may have impacted our lives. What started as a lead magnet turned into so much more. The more we dug into the stories, the more we knew we wanted to make a difference!

The Mixer

The mixer was an opportunity for us to gather together and celebrate the work we have poured into our stories.

The Launch

The Launch of the book was a success! The authors, editors, and publisher shared their experiences. The “WHY” behind each story is intriguing. It was a beautiful glimpse for our audience to see the voices behind the words.

Transitions Book Launch

Best Seller

I woke up Sunday morning to the most thrilling news. Transitions had become a best seller on Amazon! I was in shock but so excited! The support from you, dear reader, is beautiful. We shared with you during our YouTube live that we would be giving back to the community. All proceeds from the book are going to be donated. Because of you, we can do just that, Give back! You are all amazing.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to do what I love most with some pretty amazing people. Thank you to K. LaFleur, the amazing editors, and authors! You have truly made my year a magical one!

Click here to get your copy of Transitions

Patrice Hernandez My Book